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Random Fate

June 22, 2022

Picture of a battle in my game Random Fate

Random Fate was made for the GMTK 2022 Gamejam.

What is a Gamejam?

A Gamejam is an event where you have 2 days (Usally sometimes you have more or less time) to make a game based off of a theme. This theme makes it so all of the games have some sort of connection. It also can pull you out of your comfort zone by making you create a game that sticks to the theme that you normally wouldn't make.

This Year's Theme

The theme was Roll the Dice. Which I took quite literally.

Random Fate

I made a battler game where each choice the player can make, they also have the choice to roll the dice. Depending on the player's luck something good may happen in their favor or something bad.

I also decided to use Godot for this gamejam. I've only spent around 20 minutes with Godot before this jam so It made things a lot more difficult. Things I could easily do in unity took forever in Godot because I didn't know basic commands and because of this I only managed to get a simple game made were the player only has two choices: Attack and Heal.

I do NOT recommend using a new engine for a gamejam. It makes things 100x more difficult.

Because it was a gamejam and because I was using a new engine. I created an endless mode where after you kill a team of enemies more spawn and you can see what's the highest round you could get to. This was to make the game more repeatable and because it saved time, so then I didn't have to create levels manually.

For me, the gamejam was a success. I knew that using a new engine and making a game in a genre I wasn't very familiar with was going to lead to not the best game. So because of this I had one goal: Make a playable game. Which I did, It has a main menu, a objective for the player to get, a gameover screen, and no gamebreaking bugs. So for me, this jam was successful. I made a playable game, learned a lot about Godot, and got more familiar with the battler genre. Which is what gamejams are all about.

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